Do you know the history of your house?


Marie Rolshoven

Project leader

Marie Rolshoven, was born in Brussels 1972, grew up in West-Berlin. She lives and works in Berlin and on Madeira island. M.A. in Theatre and Film Studies, Art History. Founder and curator of DENK MAL AM ORT Hamburg, Berlin, Munich and Frankfurt am Main. Marie Rolshoven is the editor of the magazine KUBIN's world, chairwoman of KUBIN e.V. and owner of schwalbe film production

Eva-Lena Lörzer

Press & PR

Eva-Lena Lörzer, born in Berlin in 1983, studied puppeteering in Avellaneda, Argentina and creative writing and cultural journalism at the University of Hildesheim. As a journalist she mostly writes long reads, portraits and miniatures. She has been part of DMAO since 2023.

Dr. Kirstin Buchinger


Kirstin Buchinger is a historian and art historian. Her passion is books. That's why she founded the publishing house Goldencalb in 2013. Her special interest in the cultures of remembrance and Jewish life in Germany resulted in Stolperstein- and other memorial projects and led her to Denk Mal am Ort. She lives and works in Berlin.

Kathrin Bach

Editor & Communication

Kathrin Bach was born in 1988 in Wiesbaden, Germany. She studied Cultural Studies and Literary Writing in Hildesheim. The trained book seller lives in Berlin as a freelance writer and editor, running writing work shops as well as supporting various institutions and projects with social media appearances and campaigns.

Ennio Baujard, Viktor Rolshoven

Ennio Baujard & Viktor Rolshoven, born 2003 and 2004 in Berlin. Both graduated from the Friedrich-Ebert Gymnasium and are currently working at Denk Mal Am Ort in the field of development and social networks.

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